Prioritizr - Collaborative Stack Ranking

Pairwise comparison is the simple, intuitive secret to rigorous prioritization & stack ranking your roadmap.
Put your projects head-to-head and just pick the winner in each pair then have your colleagues do the same.

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Pairwise comparison for collaborative prioritization product demo animated gif

Why not use a prioritization framework like ICE or RICE?

Quantitative frameworks like ICE, RICE, etc. seem great on the surface -- "We're using data!"

Unfortunately, these frameworks are inherently limited by a number of biases.

Firstly, the algorithm you use to calculate a single score per project. How much does effort play in vs. impact and confidence? Who decides the algorithm? Should it change over time?

Secondly, the votes of a collaborator more polarized in their scoring (e.g. low = 2, high = 10, and not much in between) will have significantly more impact on the final result than someone more nuanced. That's really bad, right?

Finally, it's super taxing to come up with multiple scores for each project. Then you have to repeatedly check your work to ensure you've been consistent.

Pairwise comparison with Prioritzr fixes all that with a series of simple A-vs-B decisions and a balanced & equitable algorithm. Plus, every collaborator is voting based on their full context instead of just the factors in the scoring system.

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How does the pairwise comparison algorithm work?

Our pairwise comparison method is powered by Glicko-2 Rating System, a method designed for ranking players in Chess and Go.

Each "player" is assigned a starting score and then loses or gains points based on the outcome of each much. When a lower-ranked "player" beats a higher-ranking player, more points are earned by the winner.